Basketry & Textiles
Textiles have been the basis of much of my creative life since I was old enough, and my hands had the dexterity to manage a pair of knitting needles and a needle and thread. I started to knit at the age of seven and to make my own clothes at the age of ten. Over the years, I have indulged in a number of textile passions including fashion design, soft furnishings, crochet, needlepoint tapestry and abstract embroidery. In recent years basketry making has been the culmination of a number of influences, including the work of Aboriginal weavers and the art of Papua New Guinea bilum making. Most recently I have started exploring the technique of twining which is a meditative practice. In particular, I enjoy pursuing my on-going fascination with the ocean by incorporating driftwood in sculptural pieces.
Entwined II is made from unbleached linen thread which embraces a piece of driftwood found on the high tide line at Bramston Beach. It is available for sale through the Gallery Shop at NorthSite Contemporary Arts, Abbot Street, Cairns Australia.